【同义词辨析】 2020-02-12 反叛rebellion-mutiny

rebellion: implies an open, organized armed resistance that is often unsuccessful: the ~ failed for lack of popular support.  armed武力的使用武器的involving the use of weapons,如an armed robbery持械抢劫,如an international armed conflict==a war国际武装冲突,armed guards武装警卫)

revolution: applies to a successful rebellion resulting in a major change in constituted authority: the American ~.  革命和演进相对,如this is not evolution, this is revolution这不是演进,这是革命

uprising: implies a brief, limited, and often immediately ineffective rebellion: quickly put down the ~.  如the 1911 Revolution shot the first bullet in Hubei, and it is called the Wuchang Uprising辛亥革命第一枪在湖北打响,称为武昌起义

revolt: implies an armed uprising that quickly fails or succeeds: a ~ by the young Turks that surprised party leaders.

insurrection: differs from revolt in suggesting more intransigence and less organized purpose: Nat Turner’s unsuccessful slave ~. intransigent不妥协让步means completely unwilling to change,如intransigent enemies/opponents顽固的敌人/对手,如he was angry and frustrated by the intransigence of both sides他由于双方各不相让而生气沮丧)

mutiny: applies to insubordination or insurrection especially against military or naval authority: the famous ~ onboard the Bounty.

rebellion反叛: 指公开组织武装反抗,常指失败了的,revolution革命: 指成功反叛,造成权力重大改变,uprising起义暴动: 指规模时间很快失利的,revolt反叛: 指很快失败成功的,insurrection反叛造反: 比revolt更强调不妥协退让而非组织性,mutiny反叛: 指发生在船上的不服从或反叛

记忆方法: 1)首字母RRR想成很多人MIU想成<==反叛              ""意为"镜像对称的事物或动作"。""指"半路上",半与反联合起来表示"原本同路而行的两人在半路上分手,变成相背而行",即半路分手,各奔前途,如背叛叛徒叛逃叛乱众叛亲离叛逆

        2)反叛的意思是武装反抗当权者mean an armed outbreak against powers in authority.